Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Am A Christian: www.sermononthemoundt14.blogspot.com

Prophecy Link

     -Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church Bride, as so with visible sandal feet walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised for thousands of years again on the earth, the map, 08/19/2007 (see www.Zechriah2014.blogspot.com

Behold I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh, GOH

give at paypal.com to patriciabradford77@gmail.com

The Parable Of The Sin Nature                                             05/20/2014

                      Little Children He who commits sin is of the Devil

     -How do you know you’re serving God, that it’s not Satan pretending to be an angel of light, serving as a god right up until you open your eyes in hell? This light that is dark, this sheep in wolf clothing, even the mast majority of religious assembly, because without the Holy Spirit (divine candlestick) as your acting head you can’t tell the difference.  That unbelievers are as those calling evil good and good evil, that hundreds of thousands of people are in hell annually for making this very mistake. Then again how many of you who claim to believe God, really believe there is a hell? That there are every day, pretty good and decent people waking up in hell even as you read.  In likeness of what  I teach my grandchildren, just because people die, does not mean they automatically go to heaven.

     -I read behind family, friends and new acquaintances everyday especially throughout the internet who I know are going to hell, because they don’t serve God according to HIS Form of Righteousness.  Although there is no other way, having regardless seemingly crafted themselves alternate way, again, they supposedly worship God but again not according to HIS form and thus they’re by their faith apostate. This was the picture, the parable of the young lady with the you tube video of millions of happy, encouraged Christian people, all thinking they were line upon, line, and line upon that line entering heaven when in all actuality they were all, long robes and all entering hell.

     -Honestly how many of you watched this video, (yoututbe.com, search Christians going to hell), how many of you took time out of your severely busy schedule and yes Holy Spirits know you’re busy. This is why years back I witnessed severely distracted people being granted an eleven O’clock shopping lunch hour, it’s why Jesus described you as being like the people of Noah’s day.  As those going on about your daily adventures of normal lives, (peace and safety and unprecedented immoralities), until these proposed for ancient cataclysms come and take you all away as though death is final when instead for the unrepentant, it’s eternal hell.

     He who commits sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sinneth from the beginning. “For this purpose,” the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. I Jn. 3:8

     -You must know right here and now, GOD did not have one righteousness and holiness Jesus was to follow, and then another type, form mankind was to follow. No, Jesus said, I’m the way, truth and the life, meaning unless our holiness is like unto His, we cannot enter God’s throne. “And you know that He was manifest to take away our sins, whoever abides in Him sin not, whosoever sin have not seen Him neither know Him.  In other words in the last nearly thirty years I’ve married twice, both times so I wouldn’t be in sin, or the person I married wouldn’t be in sin. As so that my neighbors and thus children wouldn’t see me in sin, when I tell others this, they think it’s strange, many of them either don't care or do not recognize fornication as one of various transgressions against GOD and mankind, that it’s SIN.

     -Meaning heterosexuality, homosexuality, lesbianism, adultery, incest and or child molestation, even  more are they sins, for these evils are committed against the body, where GOD by his Holy Spirit is to make (create), HIS Temple.  Thus, the only intercourse God hath is between two people of the opposite sex, that's faithfully of their own kind, who’ve entered into a covenant marriage with God and one another. This is where they will stay as faithful to one another, as they’re to God’s form of righteousness, until death do part them. A vow of trust which is just as sacred as entering into a covenant of blood redemption with Jesus Himself. So, if you’re in any manner of intercourse, that isn’t according to the description above then you’re in sin. This Apostle isn't talking about what your pastor, or your talk show host, or your shrink say, this is what the word of God say, and even more, that when a man even lust after a woman he has committed adultery with her in his heart.  

     -This is where this young lady's you tube testimony witnessed people just like yourselves, just like members of your family, of your church, your work place and places of entertainment all having assembly.  As so all thus convinced despite how they lived their lives church attendance would save them but by their sins having denied the Christ Lord, were they instead by the millions hell bound.  This is what Jesus was warning the inquiring disciples about when he at first hand told them, don’t be deceived, for many Christ (false ministers, pastors, churches, Mega churches) shall come and deceive many, it’s this, though it is as well mankind deceiving themselves with the unthinkable mistake that God is somehow too merciful (mocked), to act according to His own form of righteousness, (judgment), admonishing us to flee youthful lust, (SIN).

God through the Propet Ezekiel "They say the LORD (God),  seeth us not, the LORD (God) is ascended from the earth, Eze.8:12 

     -This is the transformation to heaven I had regarding at first a silence there (see Rev. 8:1) and soon, a GOD weeping and crying uncontrollably, that HIS People were dying, that They were being stripped of everything HIS Christ had brought them, (repentance of sin). Meaningfully, that the mass majority of worship in assembly isn’t of Jesus Christ, just types, forms, representations and imitations but not the authentic, created by God, dying on the cross, His blood shed for all believing mankind to enter God’s throne, and rising three days later, Jesus Christ.  As I witness this Heavenly Lord crying so ruthlessly, I too began to cry, I too began to sob uncontrollably, again at HIM, GOD, crying how HIS People were dying, how They were being stripped of Jesus Christ (True Righteousness).

     My people perish and no man lay it to heart, merciful are lost as though none consider that the righteous are taken out of the evil, (great test, trial) to come.  Isa. 57:1, 2

     -For an example, I was in the car with my oldest son, to be honest he, my son had been drinking, (see the blind or rebellious leading the blind), but he was a little more sober than the friend he was ministering to who responded by saying he knew he was ok with God because God loves him. He’s right, God does love him, as so regards the most memorable scripture in Christendom, God so loved the world, (Jn 3:16). Although there is one thing God love more, HIS Form of Righteousness, because it is the one Glorious Thing come down to this earth from HIM that can again redeem mankind back to Himself, again this one phenomenally without word Thing, (Christ Cross).  So as this young man exit the car I replied how conveniently mankind forget that though God is a God of love. HE is also a God of judgment, of sin, of all sin, no sin people, now hear this, will be justified in HIS sight, because Jesus sacrificed all unto our tools of righteousness the born-again do not practice sin.   

     -This is why this apostle ask this question, how do you know you’re not serving Satan as this false angel of light, yes awarding you according to your desires, at you calling gain godliness so he can rob you of the eternal to come? No doubt here enters mankind’s most curious inquiry concerning this post, how do I know the majority of those I read behind are sinners and thus hell bound? All that’s easy, because most of the people I read behind are totally and completely self-absorb, all mankind being sin, shaped and mold sin in the womb.  There is therefore nothing good, righteous or holy in self, nothing Jesus Christ, meaning most frightfully self is anti-Christ, God, it’s why God admonish us not to love the world, (self-righteousness).

     -How it’s an enmity to God, (God’s people), with Jesus crying aloud if any man come after me let him first what? Deny Self, it’s why the psalmist claim how the unrighteous cannot stand in the congregation of the righteous, (see Mega churches), why? Because the word of God, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit is like a two edge sword, in other words sin cannot stand in God’s righteousness, it’s too heart painful, and guilt bearing, which then mean church members flock to spiritless churches (most assembly) like God is fooled, as they have no intent of living sinless (self-less), lives. Meaning thousand of years later ringing true is Jesus final analysis, that light (how righteousness), hath come but men live darkness (selfishness), because their deeds (intent), are evil, meaning, their actual purpose is the pleasures of this world over the Holiness of GOD, Jesus. 

Except a man be born (Born Again), of water and of spirit he shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God Jn. 3rd chapter

     -Hence Jesus lesson to Nicodemus, born blind, deaf and dumb, born sin, you, mankind must be born again, thus he that hath the son (Jesus),hath life, he that hath not the son (Jesus), hath not life, (life eternal). It’s to admit mankind is greatly deceived by Satan, but this is where mankind greatly deceives himself, if you are in sin, reminder, born there.  If you live in sin, if you know without a doubt your life isn’t according to or fashioned after God’s form of righteousness, Jesus Christ, I declare you’re alright until you die and open your eyes in hell's fire. I was sitting in a nightclub nearly thirty years ago, something I’d done most of my adult life, and I was really good at it, dancing. Just as I say, it was my hobby, my greatest past time, this particular night though I wasn’t much of a drinker I was sitting the bar when suddenly I glanced around the entire circumference of that club and I said, all these people are going to hell and I’m going with them.

     -Although I left that night never to return, what persuaded me to Christ some time later was a person ministering to me one particular scripture Psalms 66:18, that if I regard (justified), iniquity in my heart the Lord, God will not hear me.  *You see this is where the mass majority of God’s people, of those I like to call Churchians are, although you pray and you believe god accordingly, and your prayers are by your works and those of evil deception answered so that your sins remain. In reality, God cannot have a relationship with you nor you with Him, frightfully this mean what you’re calling worship of God in Heaven,  of Christ's Cross, is really worship of the god of the world you refuse to quit, selfishness and pride of the flesh, (Satan).

     -I know there are many reading here isn’t to care about what I just said, that as long as you achieve, and you have churches, congregations and preachers preaching you’re satisfied, one of the primary thing people in hell cry after is to be given another chance to see, believe and receive, every time I create a post I have this reality in mind, please pause here momentarily and think on this.  That if only 1 out of 1000 people are truly saved, because of the sin issue, that’s it right, you know this right? That this sin issue alone is what stands between you and eternity in hell or eternity in heaven right? This is why Jesus primary message to mankind was that they repent, because only as they sincerely repent (mortify self), could they then worship God in Spirit and Truth for God seeketh such the like worship, and this is only possible as we forsake sin, and this is only possibly as we call on and take on Jesus as Lord (Head) over all.

     -That, that mankind who say he hath not sin, deceive himself, and the truth isn’t in him, but if this same man confess his sin, God only by Christ Jesus Cross will forgive him of SIN and cleanse him from all unrighteousness thus causing him to be born again. Remarkably yes it’s this simple and just as mysterious, because Jesus, God by the Woman’s Seed manifested in the flesh, dying on the cross paid the debt of mankind born sin which is unto all who will believe, and live accordingly. Here, restoring unto God one new man where there neither Jew nor Greek, (no longer judged ethnicity) bond nor free, (no longer judged by statue), male nor female, (no longer judged by gender), for we're all by Christ's redeeming blood made One New Man.  

The Parable Of The Grandson

     -I will use my grandson for an example, he doesn’t know it, neither does his parents o overseers know it, but he like most children raised according to the American Dream has pretty much lost his humanity. Truly because of this horror, he’s very self-absorbed and very competitive, very self-attentive until again, he’s totally unaware of others and his surroundings, only what he is directly focused on is the reality, I didn’t realize it until now but it’s as though he’s been mummified, meaning dehumanized. In the late eighties the Holy Spirit described it (modern technology) as a form of parents putting guns to their children heads and pulling the trigger, (domestic homicide), now they, our children because of this relentless technical takeover of everything, are the endangered species. 

     -Though he’s to completely deny it and though he plays the role of student/classmate, of church member, of sibling, Son and grandson very well. He is as well deeply possessed with the very abomination of modern technology, I was forewarn was coming upon the children of iron men when my youngest son who is now 32 was six years old. Though, unless you’re guided by the Holy Spirit, you can’t see this literal invisible to the unbelieving eye invasion and wicked intrusion of children. Of course I have nine grandchildren, so why did I choose him most of all, because he is the one thought most perfect and outwardly just like most Americans he appear to be so, but inwardly he, for like of a better description, they’re of dead men bones. 

     -Americans are the most mentally, socially, sexually and religiously disturbed people on the planet which then explain why they’re the greatest of all nations abusers of morals, drugs, alcohol and sex, with child molestation becoming just another of the American Dream past time, as American as apple pie (products). What it mean is unless Jesus Christ is in their heart our children, like God’s children of apostasy have little or no value, this is why Jesus admonish us that instead of spoiling them (stripping them of their one humanity), deny them (suffer the little children), and bring them instead to Me, Him. Jesus.  You have to realize so many people by their works hate God, and Jesus Christ, so many people by their works are even anti-Christ because they haven’t in spiritual reality learn Jesus Christ, and most because of his Holiness don;t want to, thus pretending has literally possessed them through and through.

     -This is a warning to those people, if you yet honor, obey and worship sin in your life regardless of Christ Jesus, of religious assembly and insurmountable commitment, you’re none of Christ and here, right here, like God in heaven, you know who you are. Understand this, just a few months ago, while I sat viewing people in these vast, mega assembly the Holy Spirit spoke and said, these people need to fall in love with God. That’s present themselves holy and acceptable unto God which is defined as their reasonable (simplest), service, (Rom. 12:1,2).  Nearly twenty years ago while sitting a teacher before a Sunday school class, my ultimate question to them was, "when was it they knew God’s love was happening to them?" In others words, when was it they realize self was being pounded to death and they on this hourly basis were transforming into a type of Jesus Christ quite threatening to all that’s satanic and demonic. 

     -Honestly not one of them knew how to answer that question, they could tell me God loved them, but God's phenomena love happening through them, renewing a pure heart in them, no, because Jesus Christ salvation to them was simply being committed to a church. As so a career and or a family life, which again at its root was this commitment to religious assembly that is completely depleted of spirituality and thus sanctification of Holy Spirits. It had more than taken the place of everything God intended by Christ's Cross returning them back to the beggarly elements (the direr straits, damnation), they'd been made free of, which was in total opposite of Christ's Cross, which is sin, judgment and hell. This is why years earlier I was commissioned by Holy Spirit to forewarn church people to get to alters of sacrifice (repentance), for the darkness that is surely apparent at present was then coming (spreading mightily, forcefully). 
   For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.  For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Rom. 10:3, 4

     -This to them was the brunt of God’s manner of righteousness, where sin was no longer the issue, no way was sin again the problem because being committed to church, meant being committed to God, this was God’s will and thus there was no more sin.  This is all with Jesus standing right outside said assemblies, yes evicted, knocking, with Him as well saying, despite your inconceivable manners of works, your sin yet remain and you cannot enter into heaven. The man born sin, cannot present himself holy and acceptable unto God unless he (his robe, eternal clothing), has been washed and made white (HOLY), by the Blood of the Lamb, church can’t do this, only the Pure Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, repent ye! What this then mean is GOD will either take the child to conform the parent or take the parent to conform the child.

     -As well HE’ll take the entire family to conform the entire house, neighborhood or nation, or HE will take the Church bride (Rev. 19), to conform the apostate church, (Rev. 17), this is what Jesus is describing to a type of Jezebel spirit that has crept into one of the seven churches of Asia Minor, as death has for a short time has this conforming effect on people. See and understand everything God has allowed on this planet leading unto up to fulfilling the woman seed, unto that as I write looking to His reappearing has been with extreme purpose to redeem a mankind fallen from birth, blood and innocence to again be gathered back to Him.  This was never about gaining the world, nor the things of the world for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, this thief that hath come but for to steal you, kill you and cause you to lose your soul, which is not of the GOD, but of the (wicked), world 

     -Jesus Millennium will come, God’s eternal kingdom upon a new heaven and earth will reign and Satan’s primary cause is to prevent as many souls of men as possible, that is why this is not a physical battle, it has been and always will be a spiritual confrontation until Jesus destroy them all. This is Satan setting up the globalist to do his dirtiest work of all by making them think this is about obtaining the world, (MONEY, the meat that perish), when in all reality it’s about Satan’s far-reaching competiveness with God at destroying the Holy People unto the Christ’s Lord, The Church Bride, from this planet. Satan can't do anything with man, but see to his destruction and damnation, he is evil and can only thus perform evil.  His destiny, as so all those who through unrepentant sin worship him, has been foretold for the ancient, beware, you, because of SIN, worship that you know not, and though here it's to pleasure you so, said amusement is but a nano second in the face of eternal judgment in hell.   

     -You ask, am I trying to scare you? No, only that the truth may set you free, thus is the purpose of the entire word of God from genesis to revelation, of Christ’s cross, the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the written word of God, the rise of the church bride, of the gifts of the spirit, unto the grace gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers, GOD alone setting these members up in Christ’s church in the manner that it pleases HIM, as God will not have his people ignorant (in darkness). For even as they refuse to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient (not holy, wise, godly).  Just remember, HE, this crying GOD, is regardless long suffering toward all mankind, not willing that any perish, that while you, they're committing heinous evils, He, Christ Jesus, died that all might be redeemed, truly GOD hath commended HIS LOVE like so.

     -Finally, you know how the minister in the church ask the congregation various questions and they either answer yes, or amen? Well when I asked this particular question, whether they glow in the dark, everyone became completely silent.  As I was waking from sleep the Holy Spirit ask this question of you, because what has descended as mankind’s most trusted friend is instead a blackness inconceivable and unless you can glow in the dark, (Christ, Christ's Bride, light of the world),  you and yours will be overcome by this black hollowness posing as this glorious light. It’s Jesus describing the church bride as the light of the world, ot slat of the earth, that unless you walk, exist in the LIGHT,  as Christ Jesus is in the LIGHT, and the blood of this Lamb of God cleanse you from all sin, you’re condemned already, so I ask this question still, how do you know you’re serving God and not Satan?

     For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Eze. 8:12, that you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry RAM, www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com  www.beholdthemystery14.blogspot.com

     Whosoever is born (rebirth by Christ Cross), of God does not commit sin, for his seed (seed of righteousness, Jesus), remain in him and he cannot sin, because he is born again of God (spirit lead, instead of flesh lead).  In this the Children of God are manifest, (acknowledged), and the children of the Devil, whosoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither he who loves not his brother. I Jn. 9, 10

Prophecy Links

I’m coming soon, go and tell my people …Jesus, Spring of 1986

     There’s something about President Clinton, about us being all in the family, even joyous, suspicious forms of May Days, (playground setting), the fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 04/30/2014

     Seen to be seeing in huge, bold, white letters, the word, forewarning: “Awake!” A final commission for all mankind to awake out of their Satanic, to Demonic, to Religious slumber. 04/12/13/2014

     There’s something about a darkness that is no longer pending, but has become mankind’s most trusted bedfellow, a night that will never end for most hath come. 04/12/2014

The Awful Reality of Hell! http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/doctrine/the-awful-reality-of-hell.htm

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening to Selah: You Raise Me Up

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

Behold: The Spirit and the Bride say COME! www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com

A Ministry Above

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